Friday, August 5, 2011

the absolute necessity of regeneration

In the past couple of days i have been reading and listenting 
to christian apologetics. 

Apologetics argue as evidentialists - meaning, that it is the least problematic - taking reason or logic to believe in a God 
or they argue as presuppositionalists, showing that the non-believer actually is inconsistent in his thinking and not believing in the God of the Bible is a worldview which does not carry any foundation of the intelligibility of knowledge, meaning and life. 

At the end, it more or less comes from different directions whereas the arguing of the evidentialist 
is definitely more problematic than the argument of the impossibility of the contrary - meaning there cannot be not a God therefore God is. 

In any case, it is only the regeneration of the Holy Spirit that is the prerequisite of the being saved 
The non-believer will be frustrated either way (by both apologetic approaches) but nevertheless will not be able to save him self 
as it is said in Romans, there is none who understands and there is none who is wise. 
So at the end, arguing with the unbeliever makes sense when we defend our faith, but will never regenerate him. 

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