Friday, December 17, 2010

Jesus - the Alpha and Omega

Jesus is the Alpha and Omega of everything.

the more i think about this , the more mindblowing it gets.

He is not just something, he is the beginning and end of everything.
This refers to human history, the cosmos and my personal life.

I think it is fair to say that the meaning of life is just about that:

Understanding & Knowing & Loving & Believing Jesus, the Gospel, the cross and resurrection and its personal implication.

Motto 2011 - Philipper 4:13

I can do everything through him who gives me strength.
Ich vermag alles durch den, der mich mächtig macht, Christus.

Primär geht es um Sünde!

Dallas Willard

i have been attracted by John Ortbergs Sessions with Dallas Willard
and initially was fascinated by his epistemological approach to the Bible.
But his statement "Anyone who deserves to be saved, will be saved" and "Only those who can stand Heaven will enter it" is definitely dichotomous and totally in contrast to what the Bible teaches.
We are saved by grace and not by deserving it. Anyone disagreeing with this statement would entireley disagree to the teachings of Paul and therefore to a significant part of the Bible.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

christianity and other other religions

All religions have more or less one thing in common:

Their key message is this:

Be good and you are saved

or in other words
Be moral
Do good deeds
Try hard
and your are redeemed

Christianity is just the opposite:

You are saved therefore you become good
Good means means good works, loving your neighbor,
the fruit of spirit, the constant renewal of the mind
It starts with understanding the personal implication
of the cross and the resurrection

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