Friday, September 16, 2011

Salvation according to the romanist

In the catholic view salvation is partially granted by God. In addition, every sinner has to earn his salvation by good works. This is definitely different to the reformed and biblical view of salvation.
But when it comes to salvation by Christ alone (sola christus), the romanist view is 100% diametrical to the Bible

I found this interesting article

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

some thoughts on Sin

The natural man asks: 
why did God create evil if he is omnipotent and if he is a good God at the same time 
Is he then not omnipotent? 
why cant he just forgive ? 

There is evil - true. But just because we dont see reason in evil 
does not mean that God is evil or that he is not omnipotent 

He cannot forgive because he is a good God. And he is a just God. 
So he punishes the wicked. 

Why did he then make men in the first place knowing given the 
fact that he is omniscient. 

Because creation is eschatological and by creating us he has already 
redeemed us by his own blood and the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. 

This is to show us his eternal love and sovereign grace. 

How can we be culpable if he is sovereign ? 

We are sinners therefore we sin. 

However, we freely sin and we choose to be Gods on our own every day. 

Therefore we are culpable and fully responsible. And yet it is he chooses. 

For modern man this antinomy will never be grasped 
and it is only the regenerate mind which understands and accept it 

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

the lamb of God

The story of the destroyer that kills all firstborn 
while the Israelites were in Egypt tells us a great truth. 

The scripture says that every firstborn will be killed 
unless the blood of the lamb has not been put on the 
door of each house. 

THis would even mean death for the Israelites' firstborn 
children. It is only if they have the blood of the lamb 
at their doors that the destroyer won't kill them. 
So even their religion, their ethnicity won't pass them from 
the divine judgement. God is absolutely equal here. 
Those who have hear the message and would not have 
believed would have been condemned. 

It is the substitution of the lamb that prevents them from 
being killed. And this can only be because of their belief 
in the message brought to them by Moses. 

However, this lamb only covers them from being killed on this
earth. It is only through the substitutionary atonement 
of Jesus Christ that the debt of our sin is taken away 
and we are freed from sin in eternity

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