Thursday, February 23, 2012

Some thoughts on repentance

In the journey with God, or unity with Christ ever since I have been born again, I realize that repentance is really one of the most if not the most important spiritual activity.

Not only do I have to pray but automatically meditate on the word of God, his law and the necessity of being sanctified. Once again, it seems to me that the Holy Spirit draws me to do that and evil tries to tell me:  because everything has been achieved on the cross, you don't have to.

Purity is nothing that I gained for myself but it is something that God grants which is expressed by the act of repentance. As I realize that repentance is eventually the hardest thing on earth, divine grace remains a mystery to me, and I think even in eternity we will never be able to grasp God's grace and love in its entirety.

What Jesus has done on the cross is the utmost form and perfection of forgiveness.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Future personal areas of interest

I recently brainstormed some areas which i would like to dive into maybe from next year on

Kendo - i have stopped practising 15 years ago and have been longing to restart it ever since (like crazy). Also i want to study the influence of Kendo and Management / Strategy.

Think without ink - is a method by Venkataraman in order to  use your brain power to effectively, efficientlysolve problems

SCRUM - certified scrum product owner and advanced product owner

Patents and Trademarks, des - in the knowledge economy, especially as money becomes a good that cannot  be controlled by the economy itself , we need a new currency for trading and doing business.
What is the role of patents, registered design and trademarks ?

Mental models / frames - i really want to understand how mental models are built but more, how we can overcome them to build new ideas and eventually businesses.

Convergence of content - last year i worked on a project which combined new energy with gaming  via an iphone app. I think we will see more of convergence of content in the next 10 years.

Design Thinking - which was created by a company called IDEO seems to be a good method of unleashing creative power that lies within us in a collaborative fashion.

Corporate Governance - In ten years, being in boards makes a lot of sense as what counts in those positions is definitely experience of track record. I remember a board meeting of a VC fund where i would say the value of the five board members subjectively exceeded more than 500 years

Writing a book or PhD dissertation on entrepreneurship - there are quite a few, but maybe out of the above there will be a good mix of experiences.

Influencer Marketing for games

good career questions

There are two questions that help answering this question

1. What fulfilled me in the past (professionally)? Think about occasions where you were most satisfied, any why you were satisfied?

2. what were moments in my career that really frustrated me ?

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