Jesus ist nicht gekommen zu richten, sondern zu erlösen. Und trotzdem ist er jetzt schon Richter, denn wir wissen, dass er uns richten wird. D.h. seine Vorankündigung macht ihr bereits zu dem, was er sein wird und in unserem Bewusstsein dementsprechend bereits ist, auch wenn er es zum damaligen Zeitpunkt nicht als seine primäre Rolle ansah, denn er kam als Erlöser.
Jesus kann Richter sein, denn er wurde gerichtet, für uns am Kreuz
Deswegen kann er sagen
Matth 11:28-30
Kommt her zu mir alle, die ihr mühselig und beladen seid, so will ich euch erquickend! Nehmt auf euch mein Joche und lernt von mir, denn ich bin sanftmütig und von Herzen demütig; so werdet ihr Ruhe finden für eure Seelen! Denn mein Joch ist sanft und meine Last ist leicht.
Und da wir in ihm gerichtet sind, lastet auf uns auch keine Bürde, kein Druck
kein Erfolgsdruck, kein Druck uns zu beweisen, zu zeigen, dass wir gut sind,
oder fähig, in der Lage sind etwas nachhaltiges, ewiges zu vollbringen.
Deswegen kann Jesus auch unser Richter sein, denn dadurch dass er für uns gerichtet wurde, hat er das alleinige Recht.
Das Kreuz gibt uns Frieden, denn Gott sieht uns jetzt gerechtfertigt.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Richard Dawkins is not an atheist
he just does not know it yet,8816,1555132,00.html#
My mind is open to the most wonderful range of future possibilities, which I cannot even dream about, nor can you, nor can anybody else. ......
If there is a God, it's going to be a whole lot bigger and a whole lot more incomprehensible than anything that any theologian of any religion has ever proposed."
It needs a person like Francis Collins to kind of drag things out of his heart / mind and getting him to the point where he more or less admitted that he can be a NON-atheist.
Although he published a new book, i think what he constantly is trying to refer to is are the people focused on religion/morality and law as opposed to the true gospel, faith and love (as reformed theology is teaching ;)
I think his new book even show that he is a religious person himself trying to evangelize people not to believe in christianity and other religions.
but again, deep inside his heart, God has revealed himself already as this interview years ago has shown,8816,1555132,00.html#
My mind is open to the most wonderful range of future possibilities, which I cannot even dream about, nor can you, nor can anybody else. ......
If there is a God, it's going to be a whole lot bigger and a whole lot more incomprehensible than anything that any theologian of any religion has ever proposed."
It needs a person like Francis Collins to kind of drag things out of his heart / mind and getting him to the point where he more or less admitted that he can be a NON-atheist.
Although he published a new book, i think what he constantly is trying to refer to is are the people focused on religion/morality and law as opposed to the true gospel, faith and love (as reformed theology is teaching ;)
I think his new book even show that he is a religious person himself trying to evangelize people not to believe in christianity and other religions.
but again, deep inside his heart, God has revealed himself already as this interview years ago has shown
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