Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Future personal areas of interest

I recently brainstormed some areas which i would like to dive into maybe from next year on

Kendo - i have stopped practising 15 years ago and have been longing to restart it ever since (like crazy). Also i want to study the influence of Kendo and Management / Strategy.

Think without ink - is a method by Venkataraman in order to  use your brain power to effectively, efficientlysolve problems

SCRUM - certified scrum product owner and advanced product owner

Patents and Trademarks, des - in the knowledge economy, especially as money becomes a good that cannot  be controlled by the economy itself , we need a new currency for trading and doing business.
What is the role of patents, registered design and trademarks ?

Mental models / frames - i really want to understand how mental models are built but more, how we can overcome them to build new ideas and eventually businesses.

Convergence of content - last year i worked on a project which combined new energy with gaming  via an iphone app. I think we will see more of convergence of content in the next 10 years.

Design Thinking - which was created by a company called IDEO seems to be a good method of unleashing creative power that lies within us in a collaborative fashion.

Corporate Governance - In ten years, being in boards makes a lot of sense as what counts in those positions is definitely experience of track record. I remember a board meeting of a VC fund where i would say the value of the five board members subjectively exceeded more than 500 years

Writing a book or PhD dissertation on entrepreneurship - there are quite a few, but maybe out of the above there will be a good mix of experiences.

Influencer Marketing for games

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