Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Judging God

The natural man constantly judges God for letting things 
happen on this planet such as sufferings, natural catastrophies etc. 
On the other hand the natural man hates being influenced or determined
by God as this would certainly violate his free will. And of course, 
free will has become sort of the summon bonum of human society 
which no the sinner would ever want to sacrifice even for the eternal 
and almighty God. 

Today, while driving to work i heard an interesting podcast by Greg 
Bahnsen. Dr. Bahnsen was discussing the matter of the sinner criticizing
and judging God, not understanding and accepting that it is man who 
sits on the bench and God who is the ultimate judge. 
By blaming God, the natural man puts himself in a position the other 
way around. Bahnsen quotes the reason why he does that. The answer 
can be found in the Bible of course. Job 40:8 

"Wilt thou even annul my judgment? Wilt thou condemn me, that thou 
mayest be justified?"

The natural wants to be justified. And in judging God, he justifies 
himself ! 

Monday, July 25, 2011

Bible Reading Plan recommended by R.C. Sproul

 R.C. Sproul 목사님이 추천한 성경 1독 압축 program: 
1. 창세기 
2. 출애굽기 
3. 여호수아 
4. 사사기 
5. 사무엘상,하 
6. 열왕기상,하 
7. 에스라 
8. 느헤미야
9. 아모스 , 호세아
10. 예레미야
11. 아가, 전도서
12. 시편, 잠언

1. 누가복음
2. 사도행전
3. 에베소서
4. 고린도전서
5. 베드로전서
6. 디모데전서
7. 로마서
8. 히브리전서

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Van Til on Rationalism and Irrationalism

Systematic Theology p.263
"The idea of chance is merely the recognition of the failure of man to reduce all things to logical relations. In other words, the irrationalism of modern thought is not radically opposed to the rationalism of ancient thought."

"It is the mind of the creature that has absolutized itself after the Fall and has therefore made itself the final reference point of all predication. And therewith it has set itself up as the determkmer of the possible and the impossible. "

The Incomprehensibility of God and Heretic thoughts of the Roman Catholic Church on Salvation

p.261 Van Tils Sys. Theology
"the modern theology is irrationalist... it means by faith the irrational acceptance of that of which nothing can be known rationally. ... Orthodox theology .. does claim to be able to have theoretical knowledge of God." .... The reason why God can be known is because he has revealed himself.
... It is only if the creator creature distinction is taken seriously that the human mind ca be seen revelational of God. "

In the romanists, thomistic view being is universal so that both God and man are both defined by it. "thus human free will is partly independent and so partly even independent over God (note from Edgar), with the result that revelation cannot truly originate in God and be received by man"

Van Til really nails it again . The problem with the roman church is actually that it rests on a fundamentally flawed and heretic view originated in Kant, Aquinas and Aristotle

That is the reason why it is only consequential in its own heretic thinking that it says it can be possible to be saved without Christ as stated in the Vatican catechism 1260

1260 "Since Christ died for all, and since all men are in fact called to one and the same destiny, which is divine, we must hold that the Holy Spirit offers to all the possibility of being made partakers, in a way known to God, of the Paschal mystery." Every man who is ignorant of the Gospel of Christ and of his Church, but seeks the truth and does the will of God in accordance with his understanding of it, can be saved. It may be supposed that such persons would have desired Baptism explicitly if they had known its necessity."

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